How to Install Copper Gutters
These steps are most everything you need to know to mount copper gutters to a home. However, it is highly suggested that you hire, or at least consult, a professional for this process. Step 1: Choose Gutter Hanger Type Depending on the way you will mount it, you must choose a type of hanger: Fascia […]

European Style vs. K-Style
Pros for K-Style Common. Most American homes use them and it is a socially acceptable practice, though you won’t be getting fashion points for them. They resemble the crown molding of a house and tend to be the default choice. Cheap. Gutters don’t get any cheaper than this, except for just not installing gutters. Usually […]

All about Radius Gutters
Radius gutters are curved gutters shaped around the curvatures of a roof. They are one of the more difficult roofing installations and it is not recommended as a DIY project unless you are very experienced. Many people make the mistake of placing cut up pieces of gutter around the curve of their house. This will leak very […]

Facts about Leaderheads
Leader heads can also be called as conductor heads, rain collectors, collector head, rainwater head, rainhead, scupper boxes, conductor boxes and gutter heads. Leader heads enhance both contemporary and traditional architecture. Traditionally, they were placed under a soffit to introduce air into the line, thus preventing excess noise (gurgling and swishing). Doing so helps reduce or eliminate vacuum lock- water trapped in the system by air. They are also used under a […]

Seamless Vs. Traditional Downspouts
Seamless offers many benefits over choosing a traditional, seamed system. Here are 5 reasons to go with seamless gutters: Lower maintenance- Downspouts with joints and seams are accumulate debris, water, and ice. This can lead to blockages and infestations of bugs, plants or birds. Seamless downspouts are fixed and have much less places to clog or accumulate. […]

5 Reasons Aluminum Gutters Suck
When choosing which gutters are best for your home there can be a lot to consider. There are different materials to choose from, but in the case of aluminum you might want to get your head out of the gutter and choose a more reliable material. Many homeowners prefer aluminum gutters over copper and other […]