The Timeline of Gutters
BC 27- 14AD: The Romans empire begins to flourish. It’s architectural influence spreads across Asia and Europe. 47AD: Roman gutters begin to be installed in Britain. 1066: The Norman invasion caused a monumental rebuilding of English architecture. Major public buildings began to have stone roofs and parapets, which required gutters and gargoyles to displace rainwater. […]

Why Choose Zinc?
There are 3 great reasons to choose zinc gutters and zinc roofing: Environmentally friendly. Zinc is the 23rd most abundant element in the earth’s crust. It is mined worldwide predominantly with extraction process that have minimal natural damage to the site. Zinc is recyclable and the plants in which it is processed are eco-friendly and […]

Which Gutters Costs More? Aluminum or Copper?
We could tell you till we are blue in the face that our copper gutters are a better choice than aluminum. So rather than taking our word for it, we can show you the math. Make your own decision. If you like what we have here, share it with clients that you need to show […]

4 Myths about Metal Roofs
1. They dent easy and you can’t walk on them. Metal roofs are built to last for decades. In areas with tornado damage, the homes with metal are often the only houses with minimal roof damage. Most of them are rated to withstand winds over 100 mph. As long as they are installed properly, you […]

Bright Future For Metal Roofing
Given the state of metal roofing and metal guttering systems, we are optimistic that the industry will continue to see growth as people realize the great value in metals like copper and zinc. What are your concerns for the future in the construction industry, especially roofing and gutters? Courtesy of “2013 State of the […]

All about Chimney Caps
Chimney caps, especially copper, are a great finishing touch to a chimney. They are very stylish but also serve many purposes. They effectively keep out water and most foreign intruders such as birds or mice. They also prevent sparks or embers from exiting the roof, keeping your house and your neighbor’s house from burning down […]