The History of Copper
Copper lasts a long time. This is not new news. In fact, this news is thousands of years old. The ancient Egyptians used copper on temple doors. The Yin dynasty used it for engraving art. The Romans built a copper roof cover for the Pantheon. The word copper comes from the Latin word cuprum or […]

Copper Kills Bacteria
In the construction industry, we often hear that copper is a “clean” metal but never question why. What does copper do that wards off bacteria? To answer this question, we did some research and then made this cool infographic to show you exactly why copper is so clean.

Advantages of Zinc Gutters
Zinc Gutters are a great choice when selecting a gutter system. Here are four reasons to choose them: Longevity Zinc’s physical properties make it a great choice when you want gutters that last. When zinc comes in contact with moisture and carbon dioxide, it forms a zinc-carbonate layer. With this property, zinc is known to […]

Is Copper Magnetic?
Funny enough, this question gets asked over 1000 times every month on Google. So is copper magnetic? The simple answer is no. You can’t stick your refrigerator magnets to a piece of copper. However, it does interact with magnets. Copper is highly conductive. When close to each other, an eddy current occurs. An eddy current […]

The History of Weathervanes
The word “vane” originates from the Anglo-Saxon word “fane” which means “flag”. This is probably in large contribution to the medieval banners that flew in Europe. The earliest recorded weather vanes came before these banners at around 50 B.C. atop the Tower of the Winds in Athens, Greece. The vikings were also known to use […]

Why Choose Copper Gutters?
“When it rains, it pours.” Your building needs to be prepared for that rainy day. Choosing the best guttering system will prepare you for when the clouds roll in. Here are 3 great reasons to go with copper gutters: Endurance A stone home, as we all know, can last for hundreds of years. It only […]