4 Myths about Metal Roofs
1. They dent easy and you can’t walk on them.
Metal roofs are built to last for decades. In areas with tornado damage, the homes with metal are often the only houses with minimal roof damage. Most of them are rated to withstand winds over 100 mph. As long as they are installed properly, you can walk on them. Though don’t do it when it is raining.
Metal roofs are built to last for decades. In areas with tornado damage, the homes with metal are often the only houses with minimal roof damage. Most of them are rated to withstand winds over 100 mph. As long as they are installed properly, you can walk on them. Though don’t do it when it is raining.
2. A metal roof will rust or corrode.
Most metals are coated or painted to protect this from happening. Copper and zinc do change after being exposed but they are actually experiencing chemical changes that protect the metal from damaging corrosion. Copper roofs have been known to last and provide roof protection for more than 100 years.
3. It will make the building get struck by lightning.
False. A metal roof is no more susceptible than any other roof. In fact, if struck by lightning, a metal roof dissipates the electricity and will not catch fire. The same cannot be said for other types of roofs.
4. They are loud when it rains.
Metal roofs typically have sheathing and underlayment as part of its construction. With these supporting it from underneath, a metal roof will make no more noise than the faint rumble you hear with a shingle roof.
These are great points to make to clients that have a concern on installing a metal roof. If they are going to have a metal roof, it only makes sense to install a quality rainwater system that will last. Copper is a good option, that’s what we’ve heard.